this is my first movie that i saw 2 times in a row
the crew was awsome and the story is unbeleivably astonishing ..i hold my breaths till the last minute..i never cried but i was perplexed and felt pain in my stomach, i went out ,drank a nescafe which was the worst i ever had,then back to see it again , same amazement and wonder...besara7a, movies of this year, gamdein awi ..you must all go and see downfall and paradise now..i cried in paradise now when the young guy was making a tape for his mum before his suicidal attack..el marra dee, the pain was in my heart ..
the oscar party , i wanted desperatly to see it , i fell asleep, but i was awake before dawn and BAM!i was seeing it live on tv..the nominated films and the winning ones , this year begad are all yeganenno ...crash makes u open ur mind and heart while seeing it ..i was sad when best motion pictures were nominated, coz they included brokeback mountain..but when jack nickelson has shown up with the last envelop in his hands, i was about to close the tv and back to bed ..bass olt aboss bassa , and here it is , crash won ..i found myself jumping with happiness and laughter...it worthes winning wallahi , in this movie, it holds lots of islamic basis..incredible..don't miss it guys
i can say am a movie fan..best love story:the mirror has two faces..best music ever heard in a movie:the russia house..best story:crash and syriana..best scary movie:what lies beneath, wael u can remember it now , also check this :the grudge,watch out wael , lol..do not reach the building plz :P and best of best :the interview with the vampire , best music also by the way
hussein , r u having clooney's looks? :P
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