
Thursday, June 01, 2006


Simplify your life. Rather than looking for ways to squeeze more activities or chores into the day, leave some things out. Ask yourself what really needs to be done, what can wait and what can be dropped entirely. It's OK to say no occasionally.
Manage your time wisely. Update your to-do list every day — both at work and at home. Delegate what you can, and break large projects into manageable chunks. Tackle the rest one task at a time.
Be prepared. Organize your day ahead of time. Anticipate challenges. Try to keep your plan flexible, in case a headache strikes and you need to change course.
Let go. Don't worry about things you can't control.
Adjust your attitude. If you find yourself thinking, "This can't be done," snap back to attention. Think instead, "This will be tough. But I can make it work." Putting a positive spin on negative thoughts can help you work through stressful situations.
Relax. Set aside time for yourself every day, even if it's only a few minutes. When you feel your muscles begin to tense, breathe deeply. Inhale to the count of six, pause for a second and then slowly exhale.
Take a break. If you feel overwhelmed, take some time to clear your mind. A few slow stretches or a brisk walk may renew your energy for the task at hand. Or take a mental vacation. Imagine yourself in a calm, relaxing place.
Exercise regularly. Exercise is a proven way to prevent — and sometimes treat — headaches. Exercise also provides a break from the stress of daily life. Be careful to warm up slowly. Sudden, intense exercise can cause headaches.
Eat smart. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains can give you more energy — plus the fuel you need to keep stress under control.
Laugh. Humor is a great way to relieve stress. Laughter releases endorphins, natural substances that help you feel better and maintain a positive attitude.
Change the pace. Occasionally break away from your routine and try something new. A vacation or weekend getaway may help you develop a new outlook.


At 11:37 PM, Blogger Mo'men said...

in theory that sound great !!
but in practical life .. I doubt it's applicable

here's something similar in one of my posts, good tips



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