
Sunday, May 13, 2007

CV haya

كتبت سى فى تسد عين الشمس
و قدمتها
و عملت امتحان فى مكانين
و دفعت كمان فلوس عشان الابليكيشن
و سبت جود امبريشين
وبعدين ادونى وعود وردية
و ان الدنيا بمبى
لا حس و لا خبر لحد دلوقتى
اعمل ايه بال 208 ملطوش اللى بقبضهم؟
اجيب بيهم لب؟
و اهو القطاع الخاص كمان للدكاترة مش بيرد علييا
طب اعمل ايه؟



At 3:48 PM, Blogger محمود عزت said...

قصر عيني ولا عين شمس
أنا نفسي أسألك أكتر من سؤال يا فندم الحقيقة :)
تكليفك فين
أو نيابة إيه :))

At 11:14 PM, Blogger reham said...

وزارة صحة يا محمود
تكليفى كان عناية مركزة و طوارئ و اسعاف
و بعدين جت النيابة بقى فسجلت جراحة عامة عشان انا بشتغل جراحة اورام-و ناوية ان شاء الله اسيب الهيصة دى كلها و اشتغل مع ابويا
نصيحة: شغل الطب فى مصر مش بيوكل حتى عيش حاف
انا مرة قعدت احسب ال208 دول حصرفهم ازاى مع شد شديد للحزام ..معرفتش اوزن الشهر و قعدت اعيط

At 5:30 AM, Blogger محمود عزت said...

عندك حق فعلا
للأسف الحل دايما بيبقى السفر إلى بلاد النفط لكبش شوية فلوس ثم العودة أو الإستمرار في كبش الفلوس
بإذن الله خير يا ريهام
إدعيلي..أنا داخل اليومين الجايين على إمتحانات البكالوريوس و متفائل مش عارف ليه !

At 5:48 AM, Blogger reham said...

you will do fine inshallah
it is easy to enter the last year exams
for surgery : think about what is common , stress on trauma management and care for the post operative,common mistakes for surgeries of thyroid gland,the breast also they adore it weither benign or malignant specially in the curable phase,they love abdominal trauma and how u will treat each part when affected ...do not get a panic attack if they say blunt and not sharp object trauma..kol dah hartala, once the peritoneum is breached , you have to proceed to midline exploration..i stress on management of biliary obstruction as well..specific surgeries also they like management of stones at different levels,prostate cancer management specially the drug treatment..sometimes they bring a collective quiz like bleeding per rectum this is surgical , they love rectum more than vomiting blood as this is medical
bone fractures also,traumatic management and always remember not to live the patient to die from bleeding from his bones : remember fracture femur , pelvis and spine.the 3 major bone fractures that can lead to death of patient if u do not manage well..
what else ?ahh, any book will do the job , trust me,the info is the same weither u studied from the book or from notes , the point is how is the info presented in ur head ? coz you will manage like that in the future
for batna ,try to be calm , know well management of cardiac arrest coz they like it , management of SVT ,VT..ya3ni all the major cardiac problems , stress on differential diagnosis always
if an analytical case will come, try to read every part of it , bit by bit ,analyse the info presented ,think about the possible causes this is easy by the way, grab what are the most common 2-3 causes , give more analysis for them and the treatment of course
if you do not remember the names of drugs , do not panic , just mention what is the effect of such a drug in this situation..
best of luck , if u need anything , just send me an email :
best wishes :)
هو انت قصر عينى واللا عين شمس؟


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