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ocean's 13
عشان اشوفه فى الفيلم
بضحك أوى على طريقة اكله طول الفيلم
the movie was a light one , simple not that much complicated or deep
a couple of laughs here and there
the style used in shooting the movie is the same like for 11 and 12
but bradpitt is the same ,gives me still the same feeling
he is now 44 and wow still sexy and captivating
i laughed at his way in the movie
same laughters u heard guys when we entered the mexican
remember the look upon his face in the very first scene of the mexican ?
remember his fone call with julia roberts ?the one when she was blaming him
coz she was suffering alone , with shortage of tampoons?
this was lots of fun ,am laughing actually now when am posting
i liked this movie
yes i admit that this fone call in the mexican was funny ,unlike the one in babel
but babel is deep , not deeper than crash ,but was deep
i am still thinking ,since we were in 5th year medschool
till now , guys!
what was so captivating and emotional about notting hill?
still i find nothing
i saw latelly the english patient -ALONE- HOME WAS EMPTY
the movie is more than excellent , i saw it uncut
awsome,thank you for the advice to watch it empty headed
i was really filled with emotions
i guess i have to see all movies
with empty head
and without
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