
Monday, May 31, 2010

21 things you are learning to live without!

1-Monthly payments:try to pay less!
2-Window shopping
3-gadgets:The technology arms race is slowing, with consumers gravitating to simpler gizmos like Netbooks, prepaid cell phones, and older used electronics.
4- stuffed house:As Americans downsize, do more of their own cleaning, and look for stuff they can sell online, they’re discovering tons of things around the house they can get rid of without even noticing
5-cable tv
6-home phone: how many fones do you need? you are having many other ways to get connected!
7-get a room mate to share with the monthly rent!
8-More people are cooking at home, and they're doing it with fewer pre-made sauces, marinades, dressings and other ingredients. Fresh foods turn out to be healthier, and sometimes cheaper.
11-lattes : "( drink your coffee at home!
12-Keeping up with all the latest trends and technology takes an emotional toll. One woman who has stopped trying says, “I feel like I'm in charge of my life instead of multinational corporations telling me what to consume.”
13-reduce extra calories: no more restaurants!
14-newspapers,magazines:Millions have canceled subscriptions to print periodicals and started getting free news and information online.
16-gifts:expensive ones!..i once gave 2 coupons as a gift !
17-new cars
18-reduce the comforting gadgets at your house : khalik ragel westa7mel !
19-consume less gaz : by walking more !
20-do not go out with fancy people or in fancy dates: malo el nady ? malo el beit? :P
21-credit card debt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



At 8:08 PM, Blogger ljr said...

that's a start

wish you well

At 9:23 PM, Blogger reham said...

thank you for visiting my humble blog..thanks for your kind wish :)


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