some rules from 6th year medschool

2-always always see the signs and symptoms in a patient moving around a single disease,it is always one disease,unless it is a syndrome
3-always investigate to reach a diagnosis, once you put ur hands on the diagnosis ,your patient is on the right track (last lecture in internal medicine)
4-no place to hate,always work as a team(last lecture in surgery departement)
5-never ever give up ,your patient needs you ,on medical and administrative levels,you have to fight for your patient ,fight fight
6-always work hard and expect the unexpected
7- do not wait for a reward
8-always contain the problem
9-act before it is too late (extremely important)
10-always examine general and local
11-listen carefully to your patient's C/O,he is never gonna lie to you ,even if he is a hypochondriac,also listen :there may be something -the patient history is mandatory
12-ask always the help from god , the most compassionate the most merciful
shokran ya fandem :))
جعلك الله ذخرا لطلبة طب المطحونين في الأرض
يعني بعد 6 سنين دراسه ييجوا يقولوا نصايح في اخر محاضره,عموما اديني مستني.
ربنا يوفقنا كلنا ..بس بالرغم من كده محدش بيقولك ابدا على الامتحان اللى يوميا بتمتحنه وده الاصعب..ازاى تبقى دكتور شاطر؟ ازاى يبقى عندك ضمير؟ ازاى تختار سكة الضمير الحى ومش سكة التجارة فى الطب؟ ..ازاى يبقى عندك قلب لسه وانت فى وسط الموت ده كله ؟..ازاى تعرف تنبسط وتعيش حياتك فى وسط حياة لو بصيت لها لثانية حتقول ايه الجنان ده
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