
Sunday, October 14, 2007


it is late at night and am still awake and i could not sleep..i tried but could not..why?..the jet lag is affecting me badly,am not concentrating plus am confused and tired,the worst thing is the dizziness and the feeling that you are still in the plane which has kept moving for 12 hrs direct from cairo to osaka ,non stop ,no transit..i admit that the jet lag is diminishing its impact on me but am still not feeling well..so i decided not to go out today at all and do some household stuff..ghasalt el ghaseil ,sabent shewayet tasbein,kanast el room,bass ma tabakhtesh el sara7a..akalt bananaya we sherebt kobayet 3aseir khodar we zabadi sabbar..then i started navigating the net..i saw el sefara fel 3emara,few news from el jazeera,tamer hosni on you tube,found mosalsal fares bela gawad online-which is a gift from GOD as i wanted badly to watch this series ,could not make it in ramadan ,few yrs ago ,because of my shifts and study-got to surf on documentaries,listened to slow jazz while basaben..taba3an i got dizzy so i took my first cup of coffee...el mag-houd makes my dizziness gets worse ..so i opened google and searched on how to overcome jet lagging..they say get plenty of rest ,lots of water ,vitamines specially b complex and potassium as it is depleted during flights,so i took a banana for potassium,drank a whole bottle of b complex syrup-shoghl maganein bass feih nass bete3mel keda-got some yoghurt then i started surfing of google earth to explore okayama ,hard to know the dimensions from the roofs of houses..so i opened another movie -7areim kareim, i love this movie-suddenly the door bell rang,i looked from the eye on the door,i saw 2 japanese ladies..my bro is not at home ,so i thought that these ladies are the owners of the place or something,so i opened the door but not too much..they speak only japanese and they do not understand my hand signs..they called their companion who was a nice japanese guy -mid twenties or something-who has told me that they wanted to give me free lessons about religious stuff..i said politely that no am sorry , i practise another religion and am satisfied with it..they went away but this is strange ...my brother came while i was making my second cup of coffee ..i took it with 2 asprin as i have read that asprin helps reducing the jet lag...the rest and coffee and asprin have all ,with the vitamines and light meals,helped really in reducing the jet lag..the rest was the major factor in reducing the dizziness coming from the plane ...but the coffee is keeping me awake till now..my bro has told me that we were invited over a birthday party,birthday of a non japanese child,i told him no-i do not want to intermingle with people who speak other languages,i mean other that english and japanese-so i told him no , i will not go...when he came back late at night ,he told me i was lucky that i have not go to this party as it has been turned into a huge fight to the point that the police will come to collect the people for their bad behaviour..i asked him :was there any liquor?he told me no,this is a mere typical fight from the third world countries..i laughed for this ...traditions are kept even in this country we are in..nafs el safala wel wasakha ,mesh hamemhom 7aga,ya salat el naby...ma 3aleina..he went out again to the nearest convenient store to buy me sushi ,coz after 8 pm sushi's prices are reduced by 50 %..he found me one with crab and another with spanish..i hated the one with the spanish ..so ,in compensation,he brought me 7abib albi..another octupus leg -long leg divided in two parts-to complete my dinner and be satisfied...octupus endam le magmou3et my favorites...you have to try sushi and octupus legs in egypt , i guess we do have a japanese cuisine in guess...aren't we?


At 11:25 PM, Blogger Hend.feps said...

3ashan bas n3zor la3ebet el ahly el 3'alaba lama bysafro japan w byhayeso fel matches :D ... but their performance was good last yr ,, ma 3alina

bs walahi nice idea el preachers dool elly bylfo 3al biot ... but i think the criminals 'll get the benefit ...

el mohm delwa2ti ... el 7'na2a kanet 3ala eh ??????

while u surfing the internet ,watch sami yusuf new clip ... i like it

el 7amdolelah tht u liked ur dinner ... ha fawayed el safar ba2om kam until now ;)

w awel mara 23rf en fe makan esmo osaka :D ... loool ... asly ba2ol lgoz 7'alty ya osaka ,,, his name is osama ofcourse...

yalla ba2a fo2y w es7'any kda w enzly w lfy w dory w ta3aly e7ky ... m3 eny m3rfkesh ya3ny fel real life bs 7assa enk wa7shani w enk fe3lan fl 3'orba w b3eda 3anena w keda ... terg3y belsalama isa...

At 6:52 AM, Blogger reham said...

el fight kanet 3ashan wa7ed bey7eb yegri bass yegri mabey7eboush-fight beta3et walad 3ala bent-7aga neila keda..kowayess enni maro7tesh el party 3ashan 2alabet be sheteima we darb we 3eyat wanna kont lessa fel jet lag..la3eibet el ahli allah yekoun fee 3onhom begad ana garabt ahoh..enni afta7 el bab dee kanet marra wa7da , yewarouni bass khel2eithom tani wana 2atala3hom betora7 we beywa7edo allah..sami yusuf i watched it in egypt before i left excellent shots wallahi ..el sushi 7elw wenty betakleih..ba3d keda 2abaneg fel ma7el watana7 wakoun 3awza anam we ba3dein batny tewga3ni wakoun 3awza 2araga3 wallahi..asl sa3at el sushi feih samak naii..we octupus naii..gambary naii..tuna naya..salamon naii..7abar naii-squid-..momken kaman la7met 7esena..aham 7aga enno mafeihoush la7met pork 3ashan fe3lan ana hena baboss 3ala el products 3ala 2ad ma2dar 3ashan el pork..bass bakol 3eish we 7agat allaho a3lam feiha walla la2..akeed ana fel category elli rabena bey2oul feiha ghayr baghen aw 3ad..la2eini feih 7agat asaseya hena zai el 3eish masaln momken yekoun feiha margarine elli momken yeb2a gowaha pork..rabena yostor..wallahi feih osaka fel yaban we feiha matar kansai..bossi 3ala google earth we haty okayama city 7atla2eini ba3melek bye bye men shikata hon machi,plaire..this is where am staying ..wallahi ya hanoud enty sokar khales..at least fe masry beytabe3 el blog we beyed3eili bel kheir ,rabena yekhaleiki we yes3edek..salemili 3ala osaka

At 3:05 PM, Blogger Hend.feps said...

yaaaaah ... 23ozo belah ... homa el masryen msh nawyen yndfo ... fad7ona allah yeksfhom

osaka kaman byslm 3aleky w by2olk 7'alty btslm 3aleky w bt2olk tc wenty fel 3'orba :D

rabena ma3aki

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