
Tuesday, May 15, 2007


دكتورة الكمبيوتر فى الدبلومة
و اللى طلعت فى الاخر مامت واحد من صحابى الانتيم اون لاين
باسيتنى مرة
و قالت لى انا بحبك عشان انتى شخصية متوازنة
و الله هى مشفتش عفاريتى لما يطلعوا
بس برضة انا مجنونة يعنى
فكرت ايه اللى ممكن
to trigger a bout of rage in me ?
و لقيت الاجابة انها
فى اى وضع بفقد فيه التوازن
بفقد اعصابى
طيب التوازن ده من ايه بييجى؟
العلاقة الكويسة مع الله
الايمان بجد مع الثقة فيه
و الثقة بالنفس و بقدرات الواحد
و عدم اعتبار فشل الاخرين فى شئ
يخلينى انا كمان افشل
الناس دى بالذات
فضلت المشى فى القطيع
بدل المغامرة
و الحياة ايه اذا ما كانتش مغامرة
انا جربت السير فى القطيع
و منفعتش
عشان ملقتش التوازن اللا فى عمل اللى انا شايفاه لنفسى
و على حساب المتاح قصادى فى الدنيا
و على حسب مزاجى و رغباتى
بس هنا لازم نفتكر نيوتن
god has created us from the earth
any equation applied in the universe
must be applied to us
some people say that the origin of the earth
has started with the big bang
so , we are made of star dust
this amazes me
and when i look at someone who is successful
they say about him/her
he/she is like a star
who has reached the sky high
back to the equations issues
the mathematics we knew at school
and the physics are laws applied in the universe
and are applied on us
ain't any choice has its drawbacks ?
newton is here then
any action has a reaction
equal in strength
here is a point coming to my head
the direction of the force ?
is it in the opposite direction ?
this is applied to the matter
but the human body is not only matter
it is also soul
we know nothing about the soul
but it is part of the whole body
so , the counter force will be how ?
if you do something good with the choice you made
فمعناها انك ماشى فى طريق مستقيم
و ده اللى ربنا عاوزه
و ده بيحقق التوازن
عشان الله وضع قانون : لا تفسد فى الارض
ok , so if i will choose to do harm in order to gain money or rank ?
what goes around comes around
the energy spent in doing harm
will strike back at you
or even will make a circle around you
you know what is circle about ?
it means running pointlesslly
you are not moving forwards
so , the energy of this circle
will grab your soul and body
will trap their energy
when an energy is trapped
it moves towards the body that it has encircled
and so ,harm done to the society
will turn back at you
you are not building
you are destructing
so , honey
this force of destruction will destroy you eventually
why is that ?
if you do not build,the destruction force will prevail
fair equation
if you do right , u will find the balance and you will find the right
if you do harm , it will encircle you
واحاطت به خطيئته
forces in the entropy -part of physics-
demonstrate that
وفى الدين
فى ما معناه
اذا لم تشغل نفسك بالطاعة
شغلتك نفسك بالمعصية
i wish from god i made my point clear
am not a perfect person myself
but am one who is seeking balance
am not a hardcore
i do have ups and downs
but i trust god


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