what were you thinking ?

Ohh man ! this is not my wedding ring ! we were at the church today , attending the wedding ceremony of one of our best friends,he is a surgeon friend like most of us,all people who were there from the hospital are surgeons,most of us are general and somehow we work in cancer field,in addition to vascular surgeon and maxillofacial surgeon..we were thinking about marriage in general..and how come that one of us is at last taking this step into his life..i mentioned that if i will get married before i die this is gonna be a blessing ..others who are married and have children want to get a second wife !Come on ! are you kidding me ?..we never focused on the aim of marriage..we only focused on our carriers and how we will proceed with the steps we are taking in our lives as doctors..we move from this subject to the ceremony held in front of us,we were thinking if our friend has got the guts -how dare you?- to be happily walking to the altar ? this is a very time consuming decision-i have known that he has been searching for a bride for nearly 5 years, by the way i let him know 2 brides before but he never loved them , one of them now is married and living in the states and the other is happily working now as a biology professor after leaving the field of dentistry-...well , congratulations my friend
دكتور رومة حبيبت هارتى السلام عليكم
قال تعالى بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم" و من ينوكل على الله فهو حسبه ان الله بالغ امره قد جعل الله لكل شىء قدرا"صدق الله العظيم.ما تقلقيش كل شىء بميعاده و انتى و اللهى ربنا شايليك واحد على مقاسك فى الطيبة و كل حاجة و يا رب يكون شربات زيك كده عشان نحسن النسل اللى هيخنقونا بدمهم اللى زى البنج ده.وحشتينا يا دكتور و نحبكى فى الله
xfiledman:الله يخليك يا اكس فايلدمان..افضل ادعيلى كده عشان الدنيا كابسة على نفسى
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