
Sunday, March 08, 2009

A line taken from a movie

"Tu vorrei piu di corragio per vivere e non per morire"
You need more courage to live rather than to die
-------Miracle at Saint Anna

Saturday, March 07, 2009

an analysis

I have just finished a movie..I liked it..It holds a certain philosophy..About the sins and what they can do to us..Generally speaking..Am not going to dig into deep..as this topic for some persons is just like a pain in the ass..anyway,every one is having a sin , i have to admit that..the issue is how you do manage this sin.
Everything has to be managed,because i am investing in every'thing' that am doing in my life.
Yes,everything is give and take..so it is all trading..commerce..marketing..it is all business.
And,as long as it is business,i am investing.
And,as long as i am investing,i should be controlling,thus i should be managing.
So,everything must be managed or else i will start to loose.
No one wants to loose,so i have to be putting everything am investing on it under control .
This control is coming from the continuous monitoring,correcting and reevaluating.
This can be applied ,not only in business,but also in daily life.
Aren't all the self improvement and development books written by investors or people working in the business field?
So,let me explain a little about the sin encountered in this movie..because it has taken part of my emotions.
This is very strange that how you can control a person by manipulating his/her feelings.
In this movie,there is a sin happening in the background..the man responsible is hiding it from his family,trying to make the family appear in this 'picture perfect'frame..he doesn't deny this sin,on the contrary , he knows what he is doing and continues to hide this sin so that he will be keeping his job in perpetual movement..he can not get promoted except through this sin..by continuing doing it with all his heart,mind and soul.He never gets consumed by this sin,it does not eat his mind or soul.The sin does not chase him in his dreams,because it has become his worst nightmare in reality.His very own son was taken in this sin.The father kept running,chasing time,in order to save his own flesh and blood.He arrived late..The sin has taken his son..It is very late to do something...How is he going to continue the rest of his life with this?...The movies stopped here.
All movies stopped at this level i guess,even cinderella..The movie says,they will live happy ever after,really?..There is no heartache?No betrayal?No infidelity?No mistakes?No fights?No divorce and court ?No child custody?
I have finished this movie and i was shocked,it was a bit hard on my heart specially at these days of my life.
Do not know why the other movie,Jan Eyre,appeared in front of my eyes..Was vivid in my memory..So clear.
Mr.Rochester that loved Jane from all his heart,has a hidden secret upstairs.
During high school , no teacher has told us why he got married to this insane lady that he is keeping in the attic,no one told us what sins he has committed to get rewarded by this doomed marriage...No one has told us the truth.
Mr.Rochester has been eaten by this wife,when she set the house on fire.He lost his sight forever.
But,because there is this act of love towards Jane,this love somehow has saved him.
He got rid of the whole past ..Just with a flame ignited by his insane wife.
The past has been completely erased.And because he did good to Jane,a new life was birthed in front of his eyes.
He got married to Jane,with the stigma of the old life he had ..He got married to her while he is now blind.
But through his good deeds,he has emerged from this past life ,totally new and fresh as spring rain.
Sometimes i wonder,can people live a real hell in life?
I bet they are..

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

End of Feb.,start of March,my current status!

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