che , yes we all know you ..
i heard you say that my homeland is the land where there are poor people, you touched my heart with these words ..i was also amazed to know that you are a doctor like us and am now reading this book that belongs to you and same time am planning to buy another one about your diaries,man ! you are amazing .
doctors supposed to be like that and what i like most in you is that you were like a bird that hates to be put into cage , this is right..
when some one , i do not care if he is in the medical field or not , puts himself/herself into a cage that is now known as burocracy,he will loose his brains and creative capabilities and he will live as if he is dead coz we are meant to create and build ..to transform our mental images into reality,this is what you did and i guess ur soul is still living on the earth , you inspired me and revived me with the very first words of your book ,this is the real doctor's character ...we all have put ourselves into cages and here is the privatization is coming crawling to reach the medical sector as well , so what the heck? why in the very first place we become like that, i was asking myself why doctors , at least the ones in front of my eyes , are turning to be like machines with no heart?why they never care for their dreams ? are they happy being like an ox ?sens of satisfaction ,lost in their career and earnings,is fullfilled to the max when they shout into the face of the poor and when they tell the truth to the patient as if killing him with fucking coldblood?where is humanity ? i have decided ages ago to stop winning and crying and start acting and making some change , and che, i will maintain this momentum for the wellfare of the patient ,i have forgotten the patient and became selfish,selfcentered , coz like that i became "fehlaw","nas7a","bashtaghal 3ala add feloshom", hell no! and million NO! in front of ur ugly faces and to the hell with what you made us turn into , they have built a statue of fear , fear of loosing the job,the money, the position,the study,the promotion,and made us worship it instead of following the real light..like in my dream , i will put all these statues down , for myself and my sake,for the patients i watch and treat .a fresh start and we will see who 's gonna win ,nope! it is not a start , it is the continuation of my pursuit , wallaho al mosta3an