anyone who is having the guts to ask me how i feel right now or just to ask me about the current status of my mood..please step outside my property..am on the verge of explosion...am trying to cool down but everything is pressuring over my nerves.Yesterday, just yesterday, i have measured my blood pressure at the beginning of my shift , it was 170 / 110 which is very high if you look back at my records .It was always low , or 110 / 70 or 120/80 or 90..now it is shooting up..For sure this is because of lots of things:
1- i am on my nerves these days coz of my trial to register for post graduate studies.
2-i had received a letter from my hospital -thank you- telling me that i will be fired if i do exceed the limit of me being absent..all these days and shifts and am absent..!
3-i have to do everything on my own ...this is -even if am pretending that am oki-affecting my subconscious leading me to sleep with no comfort at all , in addition , i am having nightmares!
4-i do sleep very few hours , sometimes i fall asleep in the means of transportation
5-i wake up very early for no reason..i consume a lot , really , alot of coffee and tea and cola
6-i had an infection to which i have taken 2 courses of antibiotics
7-migraine headache for hours, releived only with migranyl and coffee black , and you are asking me why my pressure is shooting up ?
8- am having exams -midterm- and papers to present, presentations , project of graduation from the course and lots of reading..tab emta welnaby ?
9-i need to have a facial- home made- ,do my hair, having a relaxing bath..but am always taking a quick shower...when will i relax in this bathroom ?
10- 120 pounds were stolen from the bag of my collague in my fucking new room at the hospital...i smell the blame in her saying : i thought the room was opened by you ...how on earth will i do that ? the key i have got it only from u few days ago!
11-i have closed - el samma3a - in the face of el modeir and i wasn't even aware that he is the boss...question welnaby : do u think that this is the primer cause for which i was having the ' you are fired' notice ?
12-i have no idea if i have gained weight or reduced my weight..weight issue is a life time problem lel mozaz..all i know right now , is that am having diarrohea..does it count ?
all that and still am asked why am having these values in my blood pressure?
thank God that at the end of my shift , with the help of some karkadeih,my pressure has dropped to 150/90
i hope it will reduce more by relaxation and stopping coffee and tea